National RoofCare was engaged to rectify persistent water ingress issues at a postal distribution center in Eastern Melbourne.

With the rainy season approaching, NRC kicked into gear by starting with a detailed drone inspection of the roof, physical inspection using our roofing experts and attending site on a rainy day to complete a walk-through and catalogue of all roof leaks.
With a set of tasks established to fix the roof leaks, NRC mobilized to site began a 6 week roof restoration program. Throughout the 6 weeks, NRC re-caulked 13 arrays of window panes which were causing trouble, replaced and fixed penetrations, eliminated sources of standing water, corrosion proofed gutters which were damaged but not completely degraded and replaced various sections of the guttering system which were too corroded to fix.

While restoring the roof, NRC also completed two major discoveries, a collapsed purlin in the roof which was a risk to the health and safety of all workers in the building and a completely degraded section of the roof which needed to be replaced. NRC reported these discoveries to the client immediately.

To address the collapsed purlin, NRC engaged a licensed builder to asses the collapsed purlin and assisted the builder in installing a temporary support structure to take the additional hazardous load off the surrounding purlins. To address the degraded roof section, NRC removed part of the roof and installed a new section using an EWP.

As NRC was demobilizing from site, a large rainstorm rolled through Melbourne, we are happy to report that there were no leaks and haven’t been any since.

We at NRC would like to give a big congratulations to the managers, roof plumbers, administrators, safety auditors and environmental auditors that worked on this project.